We provide discounts for prepaid large orders. This give the proper win-win situation, where you get a lower price and we are ensured the revenue because you have paid before we start working.
We used to send free samples. Unfortunately, we had to stop doing this because the interest was overwhelming and just too much to handle for us as a small company.
Now we sell 1-liter bottles for 95 Euro for trial purposes.
We don’t know, this must be tested! With our experience we can likely make a qualified guess, but only a test can give a definite answer.
We don’t know, this must be tested! With our experience we can likely make a qualified guess, but only a test can give a definite answer.
We don’t know, this must be tested! Adhesion is controlled by the outermost molecules of the device, and a single molecule layer of “oil” can prevent adhesion. The difference between good adhesion and poor adhesion is very small and, in most cases, invisible and most difficult to measure.
Even devices molded in the same material can have very different adhesion. This can be due to small variations in the process conditions, vapors in the air by the molding machine, storage conditions etc.
Very likely a coating will not adhere well to many different materials. A coating and the device material must be matched for the coating to adhere well. This matching is unlikely for many different materials.
Expose it to oil fumes, as this will prevent adhesion of the coating. An invisible thin coating of oil/silicone etc. can come from mold release agents, release sprays, mold lubrication, pressurized air, and many other sources.
Letting the coated surface contact anything that affects the coating mechanically or leaves residues on the coating. The worst is abrasion such as sandpaper! It will very quickly remove the coating and thus remove the surface functionality provided by the coating. Sandpapering is of course an extreme example, but physical contact with something during transportation with vibration, can give the same effect as sandpapering.
Equally bad are fingerprints. A fingerprint will cover the coating with the oily material, and the hydrophilic surface is not hydrophilic any longer.
Two words: cleanliness and consistency.
Cleanliness: Even a single molecule thick layer of dirt/oil/volatiles on the device, can cause poor adhesion of the coating. Therefore, the device must be cleaned just before coating. The device can be cleaned in alcohol or be given an oxygen plasma treatment.
Consistency: The coating process must be done exactly the same way every time. Variations or changes in the coating process are likely to cause functional variations in the coating.
Hydrophilic means water-loving i.e. having a high affinity to water. In the medical device industry, the term hydrophilic is used to describe two different surface characteristics:
1. Wettability (low contact angle)
2. Lubrication (low friction when exposed to liquid water)
These two characteristics are met by two different types of coating.
No. All hydrophilic coatings intended for improving wettability i.e. low contact angle, are much too thin to give any lubrication.
No. Many coatings intended for lubrication, have a medium contact angle (40°-70°).
We often get asked about documentation of the biocompatibility of our products. Our coatings have been tested for biocompatibility numerous times with customer devices, but this documentation is confidential and thus cannot be shared with new customers.
Biocompatibility must be tested for the full device including the coating, and this is compulsory. Documentation of the biocompatibility of the coating alone does not release the device from the full biocompatibility testing.
Some companies require information for setting up new suppliers in their administrative system, certificates etc. We are glad to assist customers with their needs, but not for the initial trial orders as this is excessive and often wasted paperwork for both parties. Once a customer has gone through the R&D phase and wish to start production with our materials, then we are very happy to provide any assistance and documentation needed.